We need your help!
As a mostly volunteer-run organization, we couldn’t save lives without the help of our community!
If you’re interested in joining our team of dedicated volunteers, please send us a note in the contact form on this page, including the following information:
How can you help us? Read through the volunteer positions below to see how your skills could help us
When are you available? Determine your availability and desired time-commitment (some of our positions, like the Animal Care Team, require a regular scheduled commitment)
Will you complete necessary volunteer training? Most of our volunteer positions require specific skills and training.
Will you commit to a minimum of 10 hours per month? This is to maintain a strong volunteer force and to keep you familiar with the animals and activities at the rescue.
Can I volunteer if I am under 16 years old? Yes, you will just need a parent or guardian to attend the training with you and be present during your volunteer shift.
You can truly make a difference!
You can apply by clicking Volunteer Application
Volunteer Positions